Programmers: How Do You Partition A Collection?

An overly complex machine for dividing a collection of candy into equal amounts

It's a good question! Let's start by defining the problem. A collection is defined here as any number of items, and partitioning is defined as the division of said items into n groups of equal size, with the last group possibly containing fewer than n items.

Well that seems simple enough to understand. It's a single task with only one dimension and no dependencies. I wouldn't be surprised if a child could apply this algorithm using real objects without understanding how to code it, so it should be relatively simple for us to implement, right?

Firstly, let's see how it could be done with the three most popular languages 1 using Stack Overflow data as a guide (captured on 14th Feb):

Python. Lots and lots of ways, based on the most popular post with 1.7m views and 69 answers.

Java. Lots of ways, based on these popular posts with 250k views and 23 answers, 166k views and 18 answers, unless you can use Java 22. 2

Javascript. Lots and lots of ways, based on the most popular post with 1.3m views and 88 answers, unless the environment supports Baseline 2024. 3

In conclusion, for all these more popular languages we have

By contrast, let's look at three much less popular languages 4 again consulting Stack Overflow:

Kotlin. Just a few ways, based on the most popular post with 37k views and 6 answers. Although there are 6 answers, our problem can be solved using kotlin.collections/chunked in the standard library from version 1.2 onwards. 5

Rust. Just a few ways, based on the most popular post with 6k views and 2 answers. Although there are 2 answers, our problem can be solved using trait.Iterator/array_chunks from the standard library. 6

Clojure. I couldn't find a specific Stack Overflow question for our case, but no matter: the top Google result takes me directly to partition and from there to partition-all. 7

There seems to be a clear difference here. Despite the expected reduction in the number of views, given the same problem these less popular languages offer a single solution in their standard libraries that doesn't depend nearly as much on either the context or data structures involved.

Without getting into why this difference might exist (although see note 1 below), we have a situation today where a large population of programmers have to either carry this complexity in their heads or disrupt their flow to look it up, and then make a suitable choice, just to do such a simple thing?

This might help us to understand why programmers are now using AI coding assistants to reduce context switching and work more efficiently on the actual problem they're trying to solve.

These new tools are feasible because datasets of questions and answers have grown over time to become large enough for LLMs to work effectively. However, I would submit that this growth has come not only from the popularity of these languages, but also from their shortcomings.

Wouldn't it be better if these simple things were made easy, to have the solutions at hand, without reaching for AI?

To be clear, I've seen more complex examples where AI assisted coding has significant benefits, but it wouldn't be needed in these simple cases if we stopped to reconsider our choices.

The alternative is surely a future where more and more output from these coding assistants ends up feeding the models used by those same assistants to serve these types of programming questions, and repeat. What could possibly go wrong? All this just to solve some simple problems.

A related issue concerning our choices is how well any given language is deemed to work with AI coding assistants. These tools might appear to be less effective for some languages because the LLMs don't have as much data to work with. However, we shouldn't naively assume this arises solely from a lack of popularity. We can see that some languages offer ready solutions for simple problems, and as a consequence we might expect considerably fewer questions and answers to be posted online in the first place.

I think this is an opportunity to reflect on what we are doing, what we are using and where we are going.

I think it's possible for us as programmers to do what's asked of us, and even do it with less disruption and more efficiency, but we can also focus on using AI where it actually adds value by enhancing our capabilities, instead of using it to compensate for the baggage brought by popular languages.

Programming could still be fun, rather than frustrating. Although if it's to be done by a machine, who cares right? Whilst there's no doubt that AI will fundamentally change the nature of programming in the coming years, through our choices and influence I hope you can see that the outcome for us is most definitely not inevitable.

Some thoughts to consider next time you're trying to do a simple thing and wondering why it's anything but!


Igor Garcia for your feedback and advice: thank you 🙏


1. I offer two hypotheses for why the most popular languages don't provide coverage for our case:

a) Due to incidental complexity resulting from their age and the prioritisation of backwards compatibility (the “shortcomings” and “baggage” I refer to in the article). The less popular languages I selected are all much younger so they can learn from the past and adopt more recent academic research, in particular concerning data structures, their abstractions and the functions that operate on them.

b) In recent times there has been a greater need for these kinds of functions over data, because even if you don't need it in your implementation you're more likely to need it in your tests. When these languages were conceived, even example-based unit testing wasn't a thing, but now we have property-based tests where the ability to generate data is essential.

2. What I present here isn't particularly new, except perhaps for the analysis and AI perspective. Essentially it's just another manifestation of what happens when programmer convenience and replaceability are prioritised above other concerns, as described by Rich Hickey in his 2011 presentation Simple Made Easy.

3. I'm not too familiar with Rust or Kotlin so if you think my analysis is incorrect, please let me know.

4. Yes, I did use an LLM-based generator for the image in the header but I'm fine with that, apart from the fact that it did not let me give any attribution or reward to the creators of the source images used by its model.


Published: 2025-02-22

Tagged: kotlin clojure rust java ai javascript python
